Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#406

Muslim Refugee Brings Jihad Terror To Ohio State

Why Trump Is Courting Romney For The State Department,
Obama Plans To Rule America Outside The White House,
Suffering From Trump Derangement Syndrome? There’s An App For That

Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Warrior

I can’t remember where I heard this term, but in todays political climate I think that it could potentially be one of the most descriptive of Trump supporters. We are happy that our candidate won, but know that him getting elected while quite an accomplishment, is only the beginning. That is where the Warrior comes in. We must ensure that the President-elect surrounds himself with an excellent cabinet and advisors for the country to move forward and make America great again.

Rules for the Happy Warrior

  1.  Follow the first word, Happy. If there is anything the left hates it is happiness. Turn their attacks back at them with humor. They can’t handle it.
  2. Take NOTHING they say personally. They are conditioned, upon challenge of their belief system to react with labels. (Racist, the phobes and such) Don’t take the bait. When you argue with an idiot, they will drag you to their level in beat you with experience.
  3. Be smarter than your opponent. The left tend to believe they are morally and intellectually superior. Odds are they will repeat to you the DNC talking points, (which they have memorized) instead of being able to provide hard facts. For example: “Bannon is an anti-Semite”. This quote which is directly from the DNC playbook. Except the Anti-Defamation League had to post on their site that “We are NOT aware of any Anti-Semitic statements from Mr. Bannon.
  4. Facts ALWAYS win. Don’t engage a liberal without evidence. Truth be told, evidence most likely will not sway them, but if you do it in a crowd, they tend to look like a moron.
  5. NEVER get physical. That is exactly what they want. “The big, bad Trump supporter punched me in the mouth…” As they are running to the police, who they hate. Ironic huh?

Most importantly, take joy in their misery. Had the election gone the other way you can guarantee that they would be gloating and putting it in your face, that their treasonous, criminal candidate was elected, however we wouldn’t have had the riots. Trump voters have too much class to throw a hissy-fit, block traffic and light our neighborhoods on fire. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Steel City Resistance - SCR#299

The Progressive Disintegration

The Democrats’ Real Strategy In Launching Recounts,
Your Weekly Jihad Report,
Reloading U.S. Military Credibility,
WikiLeaks: Leaked Documents Allege U.S. Government Funding Yemeni Forces Getty Images,
The Progressive Disintegration,
Trump Won, But We're Not Done!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#405

Pizzagate, FAKE News with Stacy Rush 

“Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite,
Fake News Onslaught Targets Pizzeria as Nest of Child-Trafficking,
BREAKING BOMBSHELL : Multiple Reports Tie Clinton’s Podesta Brothers to Child Abduction Case of Madeline McCann,

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Nancy is at it again

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#404

Giving Thanks: Donald Trump’s Top Ten

The Snarling Contempt Behind The Media's Fake News Hysteria,
Trump’s GOP: The End Of ‘Checklist Conservatism’,
Thanksgiving: Leftists Encourage Nasty, Vindictive Family Dinners

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#403

Why Do We Need NATO?
Bannon Is The New Halliburton For Our Precious Left,
Why Do We Need NATO?,
Hezbollah’s Brazen Display,
Iranian Imams Insult Americans And Threaten Trump

Monday, November 21, 2016

Why Bannon

“When you always do, what you’ve always done, you always get what you always got.” 

Last week Harry (thank God he is leaving) Reid went on a tirade about Trump’s appointment of Steve Bannon. Explaining to the US Senate the evil that is Steve Bannon and Breitbart. It is for this reason I think Bannon is a good appointment. Harry, this is why Trump was elected and your side lost so magnificently. The fact that you weren’t upset about Reince Priebus tells us we need to keep an eye on him. This is what I meant in my opening statement. I am also sure Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach appointed as the Immigration secretary, will make the liberal tears flow once more. In case you guys missed it, this is what the country voted for. The American people want a seismic shift from the status quo, and that’s what’s happening. The Congressmen and Senators that have made a career cruising, look out. The awesome thing is there are more appointments that are going to make liberal heads explode. Jeff Sessions will be the Attorney General, (watch out Hillary). General Flynn gets the National Security advisor, with General Mattis being considered for Secretary of Defense.

The thing no one seems to realize is Trump didn’t only destroy the Democratic Party, but did the same to the Republican Party. The NEW Republican Party has some work to do.

1. KILL, ABOLISH and otherwise DESTROY political correctness.
2. Gear it up for the new millennium. I get it you ended slavery and advanced civil rights, but like anything else, “what have you done lately?”
 3. Get a new name. The Republican Party was established in 1854. The name is old and tired. I think John McCain voted on the original.
 4. Bring back TESTOSTERONE!

We need people that are going to piss the establishment off. That are going to challenge the norm.

Now it is time to talk about the lying celebrities who swore to leave the country if Trump was elected. I was always told that a person was only as good as their word. These people that say some of the most vicious and hateful things about Americans, decide that when the time comes they can’t keep up with their promises. Al Sharpton and Amy Schumer said their statements were made in ‘jest”. The only celebrity to keep their word was George Lopez. While I applaud him keeping his word, to be truthful, I wasn’t even aware he was still alive.

I have another question, we you get into acting, is there some sort of classes in political science or something that you have to take? There are so many coming out of the woodwork to explain to us peasants how the ruling class is keeping us down. The guy who has become most offensive of late has been Simon Helberg. While I do enjoy his work on The Big Bang Theory, I’m not sure that qualifies him to spout untruths. Last week he was encouraging the democratic sheep to follow him and protest the appointment of Steve Bannon because he was anti-Semitic. Only one problem with that Simon, the Anti-Defamation League walked back its accusations stating on its website: “We are NOT aware of any Anti-Semitic statements from Bannon.”

 Too bad you can’t base your argument on facts, instead of basing your argument on the old progressive left labels that people used to fear. The left has overused them so much incorrectly by crying wolf, they lost their effect.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Steel City Resistance - SCR#298

Keep Crying Wolf About Trump, And No One Will Listen When There’s A Real Crisis

Your Weekly Jihad Report,
Keep Crying Wolf About Trump, And No One Will Listen When There’s A Real Crisis,
Twitter Verifies Official Muslim Brotherhood Account,
Will Trump Really Purge Obama’s Generals?,
Soros & Democracy Alliance Billionaires Headed For Your Local Community

Friday, November 18, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#402

Dems Done In By The Politics Of Hate

Former Soviet Dissident Faces Felony Charges For Posters Targeting Sjp At George Mason U,
Stop Hating White People And Maybe They’ll Vote For You,
With Malicious Intent – Obama’s Homeland Security Shuts Down Aerial Surveillance of Southern Border

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#401

Democrat National Committee Courts MB Buddy

Frank Gaffney: Keith Ellison a ‘Very Aggressive Hard Leftist Enabler’ of Muslim Brotherhood,
Minnesota Mom Sues For Parental Rights As Teen Undergoes Sex-Change Procedure,
Drown Out the Lying MSM,
Today In Cold War History,
Jeff Sessions Accused Of Making Racist Comments 35 Years Ago

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#400

Defcon Nuclear Threat REDUCED To Safest Level Following Donald Trump Victory

Clinton Camp Blames White Female ‘Internalized Misogyny’ For Loss,
Trump Adviser Kris Kobach Warns: No 'Free Pass' For Undocumented Immigrants,
Chinese Media Praise Trump's 'Experience And Ideology',
Union Collapse Doomed Hillary

Monday, November 14, 2016

How Trump won

I was sitting around the house basking in the after-glow of the election, and started thinking… How did this happen? The Donald Trump rise can actually be traced back 30-40 years ago. When the progressive left began the political correct movement. The movement has nothing to do with politics or correctness. It has to do with eroding the first amendment. They want to control what you say by shaming you. Let me back up for a second…

The left want everyone to have a label or to fit in a certain box. It started with blacks becoming Afro-Americans and Mexicans becoming Mexican-Americans. Indicating that if you call a black man black, you are a racist, he should be an Afro-American. Quietly creating a division for the sake of political correctness. Black people are comfortable being called black. How about if we just call them Americans? I know it lumps everyone together, but that’s what we are. AMERICANS!  Anyone who wants you to use <race>-Americans as a matter of political correctness is trying to control your first amendment rights.

Phobias- This one makes me laugh. A phobia, by definition means “fear of” like arachnophobia is a fear of spiders (which is understandable as they have far too many legs and eyes). But to call someone a homophobe would mean they are afraid of homosexuals. But in order for the left to find a label they go with homophobe were I to call a gay man gay. Milo Yiannopoulos an openly gay man that is a senior editor for Breitbart news is currently on a tour of college campuses which is called the “Dangerous Faggot Tour”. Which goes out of his way to mock the level of political correctness. My point is, why does Milo need a label? (Other than the left has to have a category for him.)
Then comes the biggest label of them all… RACIST. When the left can no longer provide an argument, they whip out the racist card. (Which translates to I don’t have an argument, but I need you to shut up now.) I am the furthest from a racist person that you will ever meet, but believe I have the record for being called a racist, because leftists have issues with facts. The term racist is the largest weapon in their arsenal to hamper free speech.

I have heard the term xenophobe too… Not sure what that is, maybe it means fear of Scientology.

Now back to Trump. Regular people have gotten to the point they are afraid to say anything for fear of being labeled. Mr. Trump actually listened to the people. (Who would imagine a politician listening to the people)? Saying early in the campaign that political correctness was going to kill this country and for the first time gave voice the “Silent Majority”. In my opinion, that statement is the point when the Trump-Train started to roll.  Sometimes you have to send the message, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.

Thoughts? Let’s see them below.             

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Steel City Resistance - SCR#297

Ward Miller Joins Me for the Final Gloatfest

Your Weekly Jihad Report,
Anti-Trump Protesters March By Tens Of Thousands Nationwide,
Bernie Sanders Fans Mount State Party Challenges,
ISIS Guide: Rent U-Haul as a Weapon, Target Thanksgiving Day Parade or Political Rallies,
Scenes From The Liberal Meltdown,
Anti-Trump Riots: I’ve Seen It Before – Twice!

O'Reilly Battles George Will: 'You're A Hack! You're A Liar!'

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Twitter Verification

Righting Some Deadly Wrongs

Hutch Bailie Jr.      

As the debris of the self vanquished Democrat Crime Family settles it's time for some adult American conversations to start. We can never again be brought so close to  the end of the American Dream. I want to address two areas that have the ability, especially with our self absorbed distracted sound byte electorate, to sway too many. I will start with the corporate, corrupt news media that brought us so close to the edge on so many fronts. ABC "news" was CAUGHT doctoring video and still shots during the defining moment of Obama's plan to foment racial tensions in our land. I'm talking about the first serious effort to mislead the masses and push the false narrative (LIE) that a white Hispanic murdered in cold blood a cute little black teeny bopper. It really started with a Harvard professor, but that one didn't work out. Numerous additional efforts were pushed by the "media" and once great cities like Baltimore, Charlotte will never be the same, small cities like Sanford and Ferguson could be blighted as well. These "media" propaganda companies must be held accountable criminally in the future. Freedom of the Press must be enforced, but Truth or at the very least, the search for the truth must be paramount in the "News" media.

      Millions of people around the world were blatantly lied to during this (and previous) Presidential election cycles. The polls were almost all frauds including Twenty First Century Fox's Fox News Channel. The evidence is clear and glaring, all you need to do is read the painstaking research provided by sundance at The Conservative Treehouse, great job by a true patriot! Let me be clear when I say absolutely no change is needed concerning the First Amendment, we need to upgrade the requirements to call yourself a "News" outlet. If Leftist companies want to go on the air and lie to the world I guess they are free to do so, but we must end the fraud of these companies calling themselves "News" media. The FCC is probably the vehicle to deal with this and maybe they should be elected too. Criminal lying fraud on these networks have profound real , blood in the streets consequences and we must demand accountability (PRISON) for those who are caught tried and convicted of such high treason.

      The next albatross we must slay while God fearing patriotic Americans are finally back in charge and the Globalists on the right and Godless cultural Marxists on the Left are in retreat is voter fraud. Every election cycle for the last 20 years I have watched read and listened to reports of low life's in Democrat ruled cities bragging about how many times they voted. Saturday Night Live mediocre comedian Al Franken stole his seat and became the final vote for socialized medicine via a car trunk full of "found" votes. Northern Virginia counties always come in late to steal that Commonwealth when they know how many votes they need to manufacture for the "win". Al Gore and now Hillary Clinton will get the benefit of the lie that they won the popular vote, when no absentee ballots were counted. But the worst example is when Barrack Obama won some Philadelphia districts with 103% of the vote and zero votes for Mitt Romney.

      The answer to this most serious issue is two fold or three if you start with the first two paragraphs. Technology is available or must become available to ensure each American citizen and only American citizens can vote one time. I know it's a concept the Left abhors, but why won't they be held to account for why ? Identification must also be required, no quarter will be given. The second tool to get fair elections and the stop to institutional theft of Liberty is to increase the level of punishment for being convicted of these often world changing crimes. I want to say, with the potential destruction our Republic just dodged, is to make the crimes Capitol offenses but that is pretty harsh. We can save execution for those such as Nidal Hasan who should be very scared right now. Heavy Federal sentences should absolutely let these criminals know we will no longer tolerate stealing American votes just like we don't tolerate robbing banks. 15-25 years in Federal Prison  for the first offense, up to Life for any further offense. If we don't have enough prison space, we can renovate the United Nations building in NYC when it is vacated.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#399

Huma Breaks Down And Weeps Openly

Vice President-elect Mike Pence Leading Trump Administration Transition Team,
Thanks to Trump, America Dodged the Bullet,
Hillary Wins The Popular Vote – Not,
Today In Cold War History,
Columnist Deletes Twitter Account Following Trump Assassination Tweet

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#398

American Uprising

Trump Reveals Policy Goals,
Tips For Trump On Terrorism,
American Uprising,
Iran's Threats Louder after Obama Appeasement,
Today In Cold War History,
The Crumbling Clinton Criminal Enterprise

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#396

America: It’s Our Moment To Get Our Groove Back

America's "Arab Spring",
America: It’s Our Moment To Get Our Groove Back,
Six Months of Corporate Media Gaslighting Collapses in Next 72 Hours,
Bombshell Break For Trump Buried In The Latest Rasmussen Poll

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Cold War Radio - CWR#395

Hillary's Hacks Try To Change The Subject To Comey

Americans Seek To Help Persecuted Christians, Government Helps Muslims,
The Anti-Police Epidemic,
Islamic State-Linked Magazine Urges ‘Lone-Wolf’ Attacks in West to Avenge Mosul